He is a Assistant Professor at Department of Geography, National Taiwan Normal University. He received a Ph.D. Department of Geography, National Taiwan University. Research interests focus on applying the SDGs to human dynamics. He applied artificial intelligence technology to spatiotemporal AI (urban mobility generation), cyber security AI (network attack detection in encrypted traffic), and medical AI (clinical research related to osteoporosis and cardiovascular calcification). Experienced data analyst with a history of working in academia and the information industry. To date, I have 9 academic/industrial research projects (PI and Co-PI) and review 24 international journals, including geographic science, medicine (e.g., cardiology and orthopedics), and food science. Some of them are top-ranked impact factor, e.g., European Heart Journal (IF: 37.6; 2/220) and Food Hydrocolliods (IF: 11.0; 3/173). Currently, published 10 journal articles (8 SCI/SSCI, 1 TSSCI, 1 EI), 48 conference papers, 1 book chapter, a co-authored book in Russian (Герои нашего времени из Тайваня в Россию и постсоветское пространство).